Critical Thinking: an essential skill for life
According to various studies as stated, critical thinking is the most integral aspect of today’s time. There is one of the most treasured skills, which helps human beings to attain massive information on theories. The fast pace, the digitization has landed asked to make influential decisions in a snap of the moment. This issue arises be cause we are unaware of the circumstances caused by our thinking process. It creates a troublesome situation and reflects on our work. The way we think, the way we act, is heavily influenced by the experiences of our lives. The prejudices believe that we assume to have a strong connection with their personality type. Therefore, the process of critical thinking has been created and calling the university takes pride in developing the students. They believe that the idea lies in the intellectual autonomy and the way they think on any subject. They have developed the students in a way so that they are able to think critically. The quality also ...